Recent Success Stories
A 63-year-old man who suffered complications after surgical repair of herniated disc received one million dollars over the insurance policy limits.
For a 46-year-old electrician after he sustained a cervical disc herniation requiring an anterior fusion.
$155,995 VERDICT
The jury awarded a woman with a history of addiction $155,995 for damages without testifying at trial.
$151,929.07 VERDICT
A police officer injured in the line of duty received a verdict of $64,250.80 to reimburse the City for Workers’ Compensation benefits paid in addition to $87,678.27 for noneconomic damages.
$60,824.44 VERDICT
A 13-year-old eighth-grade student was assaulted by a fellow student on two occasions while on school grounds.
$20,585.56 VERDICT
The operator of a motorcycle attempted to drive at an excessive rate of speed while performing a wheelie. He crashed head on to our client’s vehicle. The motorcycle driver suffered fatal injuries. His estate attempted to sue for damages. Attorney DeLucia successfully defended the lawsuit and collected damages for the plaintiff’s own personal injuries caused by the motorcyclist’s negligence.
A 20-year-old pedestrian died tragically when his vehicle became inoperable on the highway. He was struck by a box truck while standing in the emergency break down lane awaiting help.
A 42-year-old technician involved in two work-related motor vehicle collisions one day apart. The Client suffered spinal injuries requiring three cervical surgeries. He was left with a 57% disability to his neck.
The doctor was a victim of a hit-and-run rear-end motor vehicle collision in which he sustained herniated discs in his cervical spine, developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy and became addicted to pain medication resulting in the loss of his livelihood.
The Client sustained multiple herniated discs requiring surgical repair after a tractor-trailer crashed through the highway median striking his motor vehicle.
A self-employed plumber fell from a concrete platform into a dumpster located several feet below sustaining a traumatic brain injury and loss of his livelihood. The failure to have a protective handrail in place was a violation of federal, state and local statutes, codes, regulations and policies.
$623,344.29 VERDICT
An elderly husband and wife involved in a motor vehicle collision sustained multiple traumatic injuries requiring extensive treatment and surgeries.
$550,000 RECOVERY
Recovery made for the client after he was involved in a motor vehicle collision in Route 8 in Derby, wherein he sustained disc herniations requiring surgery.
A 64-year-old woman who was struck in a parking lot sustained disc protrusions in her low back and underwent lumbar surgery. She was left with a 20% permanent partial impairment to her lumbar spine.
$425,000 RECOVERY
Recovery made for the police officer involved in a rear-end motor vehicle collision in which he sustained a cervical disc herniation requiring an anterior fusion.
$425,000 RECOVERY
For a 78-year-old, wheelchair-bound woman who sustained a leg laceration when a livery driver failed to secure her wheelchair during a trip to a medical appointment.
$400,000 RECOVERY
For a female office worker involved in a motor vehicle collision that resulted in scarring to her nose.
$350,000 VERDICT
For a 44-year-old female driver and her 14-year-old niece after a rear-end, low impact, collision. The settlement offer before trial was $9,200.00.
For a 13-year-old boy who sustained a cervical spinal cord injury after diving into a shallow pool. He was initially paralyzed from the neck down, but regained feeling and movement within a few days. After cervical surgery, he fully recovered from his injuries. The case settled for the full home owner’s policy limits of $300,000.00.
$300,000.00 SETTLEMENT
For a deaf, young mother who sustained a proximal humerus fracture of her right shoulder and a tear of her right rotator cuff while a passenger involved in a motor vehicle collision in Queen, New York.
$285,000 VERDICT
For a shipping dock worker after he sustained a non-operable torn triceps tendon. While directing up a tractor-trailer into the loading dock, the tractor-trailer pinned the Client’s right arm between the loading dock wall and the trailer.
$236,000 VERDICT
For a 13-year-old girl who was attacked by a dog sustaining a two-inch scar to her jawline.
For a 43-year-old plumber hit by a car while crossing in the crosswalk. The Client sustained an avulsion fracture to his foot and ankle, fractured thumb and hand, a full-thickness tear to his rotator cuff and facial scarring. He was out of work for a period of 35 weeks.
The Client was an auditor surveying gas lines for leaks when he tripped and fell sustaining back injuries. After exhausting his conservative care options, he underwent a hemilaminectomy and discectomy. Unfortunately, he developed complications, including a dural tear and meningitis.
For an off-duty police officer involved in a motor vehicle accident with a Defendant who was drag racing on I-84. The Client sustained multiple orthopaedic injuries and underwent pain management.
For a 30-year-old dog trainer who was involved in a rear-end motor vehicle collision on the highway. The client sustained a protrusion and herniation in his mid and low back.
For a retired dentist involved in a motor vehicle collision when the Defendant made a left turn colliding with his vehicle. The client sustained carpal tunnel and multiple orthopaedic injuries.
$137,000 RECOVERY
An off-duty police officer was involved in a hit-and-run motorcycle collision. The client sustained a broken foot and a scar to his eyebrow.
$130,000 RECOVERY
For a single mother involved in a motor vehicle collision in which she sustained multiple injuries to her spine. Her treating physician opined that she would need future surgery to correct the post-traumatic lumbar sprain superimposed on lumbar discogenic disease.
$125,417.03 VERDICT
For a 78-year-old postal worker who sustained rib fractures and a hemothorax as a result of a broadside motor vehicle collision.
For an electrical technician involved in a motor vehicle collision and sustained an aggravation of pre-existing back problems.
For a 23-year-old single mother involved in a chain-reaction motor vehicle collision in which she sustained a torn rotator cuff.
Please note: All cases are different. The outcomes listed above are not indicative of future results.